St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church is a Mission Church of the Diocese of the Rio Grande. Nestled in the beautiful Española Valley, we are conveniently, located on East Bond Street, across from the Convento. All baptized Christians are invited to the table for the sharing of the sacrament of Christ’s Body and Blood. We invite you to join us for worship and fellowship.
+ Current Schedule +
Sundays, 10:30 AM Holy Eucharist
A liturgy for all ages who gather at the Table. Our 10:30 AM Eucharist is in the nave and also offered on Zoom. If you would like the link to join us on Zoom, please contact the office at
Morning Prayer
Join us for Morning Prayer, Monday Mornings at 9:00 AM in the nave.
Second and Fourth Wednesdays, 6:30 PM
The Taizé Prayer Service is the second and fourth Wednesday monthly at 6:30 PM in the nave. Taizé prayer services are comprised of silence and song, candlelight and stillness, prayer and contemplation.
San Martin de Porres Soup Kitchen. Join us the third Tuesday each month for our volunteer day at the Soup Kitchen 9:30 am – 12:00 pm (or until cleanup is done). Masks and gloves are required by all volunteers inside kitchen and while making deliveries.
Lenten Schedule
Beginning Friday, March 14, there will be Stations of the Cross at 12:00 PM in the nave. This will be weekly through the remainder of Lent.
+ Holy Week Service Schedule +
Sunday, April 13, 2025, The Sunday of the Passion, Palm Sunday. The Rev. Jerome Williams is leading us in our Palm Sunday Service at 10:30 AM. We will begin outside in the courtyard, weather permitting, with the Liturgy of the Palms and process to the nave for Liturgy of the Passion.
Before the service, we are offering a breakfast beginning at 9:30 AM. This is a fundraiser for Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD) in memory of Mrs. Jeanne Aeby. There is no set donation requested. Funds collected will be sent to ERD in Jeanne’s memory.
Monday, April 14, 2025, Morning Prayer at 9:00 AM in the nave.
Thursday, April 17, 2025, Maundy Thursday. The Rev. Canon Raymond Raney is leading us in our Maundy Thursday Service at 5:00 PM in the nave and on Zoom. Maundy Thursday consists of a gathering for foot and hand washing, a light meal (provided), and the reading of the Lessons while eating. After the Eucharist we will end the evening with the stripping of the altar.
If you would like to contribute flowers for the Altar of Repose, we invite you to bring them before the service.
Friday, April 18, 2025, Good Friday. The Rev. Jerome Williams is leading us in our Good Friday Service at 5:00 PM in the nave and on Zoom. The Good Friday liturgy consists of the reading of Lessons, the Passion Gospel from John, the Solemn Collects, devotions at the Cross, and Communion from Reserved Sacrament.
+Easter Service Schedule +
Saturday, April 19, 2025, The Great Vigil of Easter. The Rev. Jerome Williams is leading us in our Great Vigil of Easter Service at 6:00 PM in the nave and on Zoom. We will light the new fire, hear the history of salvation in our lessons, renew our baptismal covenant, and receive the first communion of Easter.
Join us after the service in the parish hall for a light reception and fellowship. Please bring some finger foods to share if, you are able.
Sunday, April 20, 2025, The Sunday of the Resurrection: Easter Day. The Rev Jerome Williams is leading us in our Easter Day Eucharist at 10:30 AM in the nave and on Zoom.
Join us after the service in the parish hall for a light reception and fellowship. Please bring some finger foods to share, if you are able. We will also have an Easter egg hunt after the service.